HR Audit
Objective and comprehensive review of your policies, practices and procedures and how they align with your business goals.
When you’re busy working in your business, it can be hard to find the time to step back and work on your business.
Making sure your HR policies, procedures and documentation are compliant and effective can be a daunting task. We work with employers to ensure your processes and systems reflect your requirements. Our HR Audits are an objective review of your HR framework delivering clear actionable steps to mitigate risk and adopt best practice workflows in your business. With a clear understanding of your HR requirements, we can tailor solutions to help you moving forward.
Compliant and cost-effective
Effective workplace policies and procedures are the foundation of a robust business. Your policies should work hard for your business and drive successful outcomes. Our HR Audits are an objective and comprehensive review of your policies, practices and procedures, and how they align with your business goals. We identify key areas for improvement where best practices can be adapted within the context of the size and nature of the organisation.
Our easy to action reports will assist you to remedy any non-compliance, and provide you with recommendations for improvement.
In conducting our reviews, we examine the following fundamentals:
- Recruitment, onboarding & induction practices
- Applicability of modern awards &/or enterprise agreements
- Employment contract coverage
- Communication & Consultation
- Employment related policies & procedures
- Remuneration & benefits
- Performance management, reviews and disciplinary procedures
- Training & development requirements
- Termination of employment practices
Always Accurate
At Azuhr, HR is what we do. You can trust our team of HR Consultants to deliver insightful and timely advice. We’re always up to date on the latest industry trends and legislation changes. And, because we’re backed by Kingston Reid, Australia’s largest national specialist workplace law firm, we have a direct line to the finest employment lawyers in the country. We have a wealth of resources at our fingertips, and you can rest assured that our advice will be robust and accurate, frank and fearless.
Are you ready to deep dive into your HR framework?
We pride ourselves on our uncompromised focus on our client’s needs. Get in touch with one of our Consultants about how we can help.